Monday 8 June 2020

Introducing Jan and the Bean Stalk Blog: A Garden Nightmare.

Hi everyone.

 Welcome to Jan and the Beanstalk.  My name is Janine and I am an artist, retail assistant, homecleaner and animal lover.  My life is full and busy and the home has often come at the bottom of my to do list.  This has begun to change.   I've just managed to get my home under some sort of control with the help of "A Slob Comes Clean."  (Dana K White).

My house was disorganised with way too much stuff.  When we faced this it seemed there was always something else to get rid of.  Finally the house is de-cluttered (for now) and my dear husband has been dealing with the garage. So now it’s time to kills the giant.  The mess that I fondly refer to as a garden and the neighbours kindly refrain from calling an eyesore.

I’d like to call the garden a wilderness but that would be insulting wildernesses. It’s a weed wonderland.  I took photos this morning for accountability.  It is a hoard without a hoard.  It's a Kaikuya Kingdom with an Ocean of Oxalis. A canopy of Morning Glory completes the look. This is not a weekend project.  It's not even a month off work project.  Work during lockdown barely made a dent

I have looked around and I am not the only person with this problem.  I live in Auckland New Zealand. The Māori name for Auckland is  Tāmaki-makau-rau (Land of a thousand lovers).  This name refers to it’s fertility. (

Fertile is right.  Rain, sunshine and a warm temperate climate. Great for growing vegetables and even better for growing weeds Without due diligence it quickly becomes overwhelming.

This blog is an accountability project.  Journey with me as I slowly but surely transform this disaster into a place of beauty, rest and comfort.

If you have this problem this is the blog for you.  If you don’t well join with me anyway if you would like to be part of my journey.


  1. Hi Janine, I’d love to join you in your journey transforming your garden, it sounds exciting. I don’t use my Google acct very often so not sure how it’ll work!

    1. Libby welcome:) I will be posting links on Facebook where you can commentxxxx

  2. Hi Janine, I have only just seen this email as for some reason I can't get Google mail on my ipad or iphone and very rarely have access to it. I wonder if there is any other way I can get the PBC emails so I can stay up to date? Perhaps I'll ask Jody. Hope all is well with you and can I please have details to Jack and Bean Stalk blog...please send to or text on 0211751213....take Libby xx
